4.48 PSYCHOSIS | Theatre (2013)
The above videos were created for the theater production "4.48 Psychosis" by The Institute for Experimental Arts and the director Taso Sagri. Athens, Greece 2013.
PSYCHOSIS! (4.48 Psychosis) of SARAH KANE
Directed by: Tasos Sagris
Playing: Sissi Doutsiou, Dimitris Galanakis, Andreas Paraschos, George Michalakos
Music: BIOMASS, Lana Del Rey, The Cure, Joy Division
Video Art: Alkisti Kafetzi, Void Optical Art Laboratory
Scenes: Kenny Mac Lellan
Lighting: George Papandrikopoulos
First the hopes collapsed, then the community was lost, in the end the people collapsed. A very young girl every night late in the night feels the unbearable need to commit suicide. Millions of people are currently stranded in the war zone between their daily lives and their true desires. As all human needs and desires become marketable, people become commodities and numerical units. The logic of numbers produces tragic stories of destruction, mental illness and misery with the consistent operation of a machine. Girls and boys without a future were caught in the web of a certain logic that was woven around them like a deadly trap. Nothing could save them from this unbearable agony and frustration that they feel is rooted in their hearts. Our life passed quickly and we did not manage to experience anything! In this inhuman human world some live, some survive and some are lost. This is a sign of danger from those who are lost.

The play "Psychosis" is a psychological thriller based on the text 4.48 Psychosis by Sarah Kane. A young girl, excluded from life in her apartment, struggles with her traumatic memories and unfulfilled desires. In addition to the social environment, here he seems to be guilty of his condition and the person himself, who surrendered to the illusions, the impossible aspirations and the demands of a world set around him as a trap.
The struggle to escape from the existential collapse and the war zone into which everyday life has turned, the struggle to defend love and the last human dignity, the hopeless cry against everything that closed us in a vicious circle without escape to escape are the issues core of this show.
Tassos Sagris`s dark poetic look at life in modern metropolises is met with the sound of Biomass endless mental stress, the fragmentary memories from the soundtrack of Joy Division, the Cure and the melancholy of Lana Del Rey, the frantic video of and the Vacuum Network Visual Arts Workshop, the expressionist lighting of George Papandrikopoulos and the historiographical atmosphere of the Scottish collaborator of the director of the film Trainspotting Dany Boyle, set designer Kenny Mac Lellan.
In 2011 "THE SLAVES" by Jean Genet screamed "Do not live like slaves" and their passion for life became a desperate cry in the souls of people across the country, in 2012 with the play "I DIE LIKE A COUNTRY" by D. Dimitriadis a detailed record of the collapse of an entire society was made.
In 2013-2014 with the show "PSYCHOSIS!" the Institute [Experimental Arts] dissects the existential impasse, self-destructive rage and violence of young people today, emits a final signal of danger.
In this way the Institute [of Experimental Arts] and the actors of the performances "The Slaves", Jean Genet (Nosotros 2011) and "I Die Like a Country", Dimitris Dimitriadis (Trianon 2012) complete a detailed study of the crisis, a bold social, political and existential abyss of our time.

Photos by Erion Kovaci